COLD FUSION can be read as a stand alone.
When he graduates from the Police Academy, David Mayfield is no rookie. His past experience as an MP allows him to jump right into an undercover mission.
Hired at the Bush Fire, a strip club owned by the white supremacist group David’s task force is investigating, he is to gather information.
But fascinated by Jeanne-Michelle, a curvaceous Haitian dancer, he soon realizes that the real challenge of his mission may turn out to be abiding by the single rule of the strip club: “No messing around with the talent.”
You can read Cold Fusion first and then go on to Stone Cold and Cold Burn or start with those two and finish with Cold Burn. Coming On Sept 16
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Born in Manhattan, Olivia Rigal spent her youth going back and forth between the United States and France.
She lived and studied law in both countries.
While studying she kept herself busy with a variety of jobs.
She worked in the Clignancourt Flea Market as well as in a Parisian recording studio.
In Manhattan, she was a dog groomer and then an administrative assistant in a famous English auction house.
Olivia settled in France to raise her family. She travelled throughout South East Asia and has a special fondness for Laos and Thailand.
When her law practice does not keep her busy in Paris, she runs away to write novels in her Florida home next to MacArthur Beach State Park.
In December 2012 she started publishing short novels in English as an independent. Early 2014, she began translating them into French.
The story she tells stand alone. However her characters often meet so you can run into them again in several stories.
She loves to chat with readers so please feel free to
Befriend her on Facebook
Follow her on twitter
or drop her a mail using the attached form.
One more thing you need to know, she has a passion for leopard and is always wearing at least one piece of it … whether you can see or not.
***Please note: This eBook prize is authorized and being provided by Maxwell Author Services***
@booksbyolivia #MCRomanceColdFusion #OliviaRigal
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