Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: The Connolly Affair by Brett Scott Ermilio ♥ Fun Facts, Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Romantic Suspense)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Connolly Affair by Brett Scott Ermilio ♥ Fun Facts, Book Tour & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Romantic Suspense)

Nicki Connolly’s life has flat lined. Nicki’s dull marriage to her husband, Aiden, flounders further and further into a hopeless abyss. Despite the setbacks, Nicki attempts to balance being a working mother, a successful attorney and relishes the distractions of a budding romance with a man named Taylor Diamond. Nicki has been assigned lead attorney in a massive class-action lawsuit that will make or break her career at the firm of Rapture and Myers. That is when the handsome Taylor Diamond appears in her life.

Taylor Diamond has been named second chair for the big case. Taylor has it all: looks, brains, a strong family name and many connections. But dark forces loom and converge upon Nicki and Taylor. As obstacles grow, the two form a fiery bond just as the case and her life reach an epic breaking point.

The Connolly Affair delivers a suspense-filled thrill ride that will have readers on the edge of their seats.

Fun Facts/Behind the Scenes/Did You Know:

1. In chapter 1, there is a scene in which Nicki Connolly speaks about falling in love with her husband, Aiden, for the very first time. He jumps out of the restaurant he is managing to help a blind man cross the street and safely get to his destination. That story is a true story about me and my wife. I helped a man who got off a bus and became confused as he tried to reach a restaurant he always frequented that was a block up from the restaurant I managed. My wife saw me sprint out to help him without a word. She must have watched through the window. She told me later that was the moment she fell in love with me. I added it "The Connolly Affair."

2. Aiden's middle name is Scott. It is my family name handed down from my uncle Neil, who was a successful music producer (Casablanca Records). I wrote his biography which was released last year entitled "Going Platinum: KISS, Donna Summer and How Neil Bogart Built Casablanca Records." So using his (and my) middle name as a character's in this book was a little 'tip of the hat' for me personally.

3. In doing research for this book, I will be completely honest and say I learned a lot! As a man, I am not as familiar with some of the feelings and emotions associated with a woman. Since book 1 is mainly from Nicki Connolly's POV, I did extensive sexual research (which my wife appreciated BTW). This game me insights into some of the sexual physical habits and desires a woman has. I read blogs about masturbation, sexual stimulation and other fascinating topics for research. At one point, my wife asked me, "Are you looking at porn on your phone!" I laughed and showed her the site and said, "No, it's research for The Connolly Affair. See, that's a vibrator!" Interesting conversations to say the least.

4. My editor, who is a romance writer, is excellent. And working our way through the sex scenes together was a quite a laugh. We each are married and the exchanges we had about what women and men want sexually were pretty hilarious. It was an experience I still laugh about today. Her comments were gold. We had a good time with it.

5. My wife is the reason I wrote "The Connolly Affair." I used to have some fun with her when I'd see her read a romance novel. She challenged me and said I could never write one. She doesn't realize how competitive I truly am. I am nearly 2 books complete in this nearly 1,000 page trilogy and she says it's the best thing she has ever read. So at least I one-up'd her this time! And isn't that what marriage is all about! Ha. And, she did inspire me to write an extremely challenging story. That is another aspect of this. I wanted this book series to be better than anything she ever read. I wanted to create a world of passion, romance, love and thrilling suspense. The books are carefully orchestrated to challenge readers and drive those emotions home. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as my early readers have.

Brett Scott Ermilio-

Bob, Charles, and James are all hovering over someone—something. As they applaud and step back, I see with my own eyes their new toy. Taylor Diamond. Taylor is an incredibly aggressive young attorney with a long list of clients and an even longer list of success. He looks like he just fell out of a Yale fraternity magazine; the ideal stunner of a man. His face maintains the perfect jaw structure, his blue eyes and perfect wavy, black hair only further compliment his broad shoulders and, near perfect, six-foot physique. Oh, my God. He’s incredible. For a moment, I forget that I am a partner in my law firm and not a school girl, staring at the shockingly handsome, cool senior at Liberty High.


Award winning writer Brett Scott Ermilio currently resides on the Jersey Shore with his nine colorful roommates: his loving wife, four beautifully chaotic children, three small yapping dogs and one moody fish.

The nephew of Neil Scott Bogart (The Disco King and founder of Casablanca Records), Brett has been writing stories since he was sixteen. His first completed screenplay was written at age seventeen. He won a screenwriting award for his move script, “Jacob.”

Over the years, Brett has written, directed and produced a feature film, worked on numerous screenplays. He had his first book published through Lyons Press, Going Platinum: KISS, Donna Summer and How Neil Bogart Built Casablanca Records, a biography highlighting the meteoric rise of Neil Bogart from birth to death.

Over the next year, Brett is releasing his highly anticipated romance/suspense trilogy, The Connolly Affair, and plans to continue writing enthralling stories and looks forward to sharing his thrilling adventures with the world.

Win a $20 Amazon or B&N gift card!

@BrettErmilio @GoddessFish


  1. Thanks for hosting me! I will be around for any and all questions so feel free to let them fly!

  2. I loved reading the fun facts! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks DJ! You should have seen my wife's fave when she read them today! Ha. She had no idea I gave some of that away. ;)

  5. I really enjoyed the excerpt~thank you for sharing!

  6. I loved the fun facts and the excerpt. Thank you!

  7. I liked the excerpt, and thx for the giveaway.

  8. awesome giveaway!



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