Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Tell Me a Truth by Tamara Lush ♥ FREE eBook & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Erotic Romance)

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tell Me a Truth by Tamara Lush ♥ FREE eBook & GIVEAWAY ♥ (Erotic Romance)

A billionaire real estate magnate returns from the dead, making his family's dearest dream come true. There's only one problem--Caleb Kin remembers his parents, siblings, home and career … but not Emma, woman he married, or the child she claims is his.

Don't miss the heart-pounding final installment in Emma and Caleb's journey—get your copy of Tell Me the Truth today!

I was not dressed for a dinner at home.
My red-and-white gingham cotton dress was a 1950s silhouette, tight in the bodice, with an off-the-shoulder neckline and a full skirt. I hadn’t worn it in years and was honestly surprised it still fit. I clasped a demure choker of pearls around my neck and swept my hair up in a messy updo, with curly tendrils framing my face.
I was aiming for a touch of seduction. Maybe not a full, end-up-horizontal-in-bed seduction, because I didn’t think either one of us was quite ready for that yet.
Although I wouldn’t push him away, if that’s what he wanted.
I did want to look alluring enough to pique my husband’s interest—or, if possible, his memory. I tried on a pair of nude heels, but that was a little much for making stuffed pasta shells in my own kitchen, even for me. I slipped on pale pink ballet flats instead. I looked in the mirror and turned, sucking in my stomach. Not bad, considering everything. It was the first time I’d worn one of my vintage dresses in ages. Somehow, the retro-style didn’t seem to fit who I was anymore.
A wife. A mom. A woman with a complicated life. I shrugged at myself in the mirror. I’d deal with my wardrobe later. Or not. Because fashion no longer mattered.
My step was light as I left the master bedroom and walked into the living room.
Caleb was there—his family had collected Charlotte an hour earlier, saying they wanted us to have some “alone time”—sitting on the sofa. He looked simple and perfect, in a pair of dark-washed jeans and a black T-shirt.
He stood quickly and his mouth dropped open. “Oh! Wow.”
“You’re saying that a lot today,” I responded playfully. I didn’t want to let on that I was scared enough to throw up. It was as if we were on a first date, only during our first date, I’d been confident we’d end up in bed that evening. Tonight, I wasn’t sure what would unfold.
He stroked his chin. “Yeah. I am saying that a lot. Everything’s a surprise around here.”
I smiled, my first hurdle cleared. “Thanks.”
We stood and stared at each other, the silence between us filled with sexual static. Or so I thought. I wasn’t sure of anything anymore, truthfully. I didn’t know what to say, and he probably didn’t either. To him, I was a stranger in his house.

♥ Book One ♥


The Story Series is a five-episode novel. It's like an old-school newspaper serial narrative, but with sexytimes. You can read an episode in a couple of hours, while at the pool or on the beach. Because each episode is short, it's perfect for reading on your phone.

The story is about Emma, a bookstore owner and erotica writer. She meets Caleb, a wealthy developer, at a literary event in Orlando—the home of the fairy tale. He pays her to read him a story, and their journey begins. The episodes are about lust, love and temptation, and also about marriage, memory and destiny.

During the day, Tamara Lush writes news as a journalist with The Associated Press. At night, she writes fictional romance tales about complicated, sexy men and the women who love them.

Her first full-length novel, HOT SHADE, was published in September 2015 with Boroughs Publishing Group. INTO THE HEAT is her second full-length novel and it’s also with Boroughs.

TELL ME A STORY is Tamara’s first novella. It’s the first episode of The Story Series, a five-novella serial about a bookstore owner who reads erotica to a billionaire during a literary event in Florida.

When Tamara isn’t reporting, writing or reading, she’s doing yoga, cooking for her Italian husband or chasing her dogs on a beach on Florida's Gulf Coast. She loves connecting with people on social media.



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