Romance Novel Giveaways - Freebies and Giveaways of All Things Romance Romance Novel Giveaways: Ancient Script of Lovecontu Audio Poem by Kaitlynzq 💕 EXCLUSIVE Coupon Code & Audio Poem Giveaway 💕 (Romance)

Friday, November 9, 2018

Ancient Script of Lovecontu Audio Poem by Kaitlynzq 💕 EXCLUSIVE Coupon Code & Audio Poem Giveaway 💕 (Romance)

The story within Ancient Script of Lovecontu contains words of

caresses around
as a cocoon of soft cashmere
accompanied by sweet aroma
allures to intimate nearness
remains a velvet kiss

“...Oh, actually, that’s how I’m feeling...
A breeze, melodic in pace…”

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My fictional stories are written from the inside view
of a character’s interior heart-that

beautiful, vulnerable, intimate space
feelings, desires, needs, dreams

a blend of

delicate feather ripples of heart waves
needs, feelings, dreams, desires
quiet, gentle heart strings
tender, continuous
soft, vulnerable air mist
circles, weaves to caress
a sonic sea of heart’s breath

Woven into audio books that are recorded in my voice with a medley of music as a heart’s wave into
downloadable mp3 files; audio plays adapted from the audio books, and layered into pdf files like a
heart’s song; audio poems that are multiple poems designed to connect to form a story as a heart’s breath;
and audio sets that are sets of these interconnected stories with elements from each story that interweave
in one another as heart’s wave, heart’s song, heart’s breath.


Win a copy of this audio poem!


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